Hello I've been on holiday for a couple of days now. A couple of days ago, saw a light in the sky. I had seen something like this before.
I have heard of reports of people seeing light objects such as orbs spherical UAPS and drones. Or could it be the source of light that projects the Moon? Take a look at this video I did, could anyone tell me what they think it is? Video I made was from the hotel I am in around Istanbul, Turkey.
Thank you, Harry Arnott-Hopkins.
A Parallel Version of You Wants You to Know This, From Beyond The Veil. https://youtu.be/91RMll6Ajg0?si=_u-hPqfyJeneNBo3
The Invisible Light -- The Secrets of the Ether, from The Power of Voice https://youtu.be/ShGyRw83Q-I?si=sQwVK6p1rntmLUlu
Linda Moulton Howe: An Interview With An Annunnaki Hybrid UAMN TV https://youtu.be/XlQYDy5Wc-0?si=1VhAf9gKtUToyoNL
How is a Soul Created for the First Time! The GENESIS of a Spirit. By Awakening Wisdom https://youtu.be/dLxS1lBGvbU?si=cqh4Uy-ytC3YaoSD
You were never born, and you will never die: From Beyond the Veil https://youtu.be/CmXD56NvYYw?si=3zRECkT2VpDcW4MI
Pleiadians Shocking Warning: Prepare for the Unimaginable, March 4, 2025 https://youtu.be/YKXzHBQyT-g?si=RLWe5Jyr-zgPGTgM
You are an Interdimensional Being with Viviane Chauvet Quantum Conversations, Chakras, Interdimensional Beings. https://www.youtube.com/live/gkXGCGp0moM?si=33enYp0e4gAL6A-S
03/03 This ALCHEMICAL PORTAL Can Unlock Your Inner Transmutation! (Learn How To Use It) from Vibrational Portal https://youtu.be/sxnm4eaYeBg?si=hg7xzbfnW7fQkA2L
How To Instantly Activate Your Divine Protection Shield (Even When Surrounded By Negativity) Wisdom Dream https://youtu.be/dwktXisIJJU?si=NHOXleJAfYNiwOvt
Thinking is Electric and Knowing is Magnetic, from Beyond the Veil https://youtu.be/4rxmO_x6HUY?si=jYsFCUVYtij4R49P
Past Life Regression Guided Meditation - - Discover Past Lives - - Meet Your Animal Spirit Guide, from New Horizon's Guided Meditations: https://youtu.be/pKM2i3pi5b8?si=Gw19Y7wXu1TsSu_M
Sam the Illusionist discusses who is the Anti-Christ, not Trump, Elon Must in his introduction of Neurolink will bring on the Anti-Christ. RFK, Jr. past lives, etc. https://youtu.be/z8lDjeqf230?si=OlXczznec4AJwU0G
Lot of very interesting insights coming out of the Light Warrior Network with Jason and Lady D. https://www.youtube.com/live/0qJQTa5mp4c?si=DPIs7XYsXWKbgSEL
Secret space Programs *** Unveiling a Lifetime of Hidden Truths Celestial Wisdom https://youtu.be/lxnDvfrhWuY?si=BCvPdwuXbXv37weu
You Have Never Thought Anything. It's So Simple, Yet Overlooked. By Solace Fox https://youtu.be/IN9Aka-9M7w?si=yDl6A4LIOu5q-WEa
How a Spirit Chooses Next Parents & Soulmates After Death by Awakening Wisdom https://youtu.be/6jcgKxzpnyU?si=IW1_Pm3W7cM-ur60
The True Meaning of Karma (Law of Cause and Effect) by Ancient Truths Unveiled https://youtu.be/fRF70TcTOkE?si=BMw3anWgXJXNbO3-
What You Should Know About "Death and Dying" Tim Tactical https://www.youtube.com/live/GNI7ia3k8XU?si=SJByBH0TRr0JlxHM
Hi Carol, had a look at the link of the video and watched it. I have subscribed to the Astral Legends they're really cool, interesting videos about the different starseeds/benevolent beings and their missions to assist humans on Earth. Really liked it thank you and how are you?
Extraterrestrial, 57 in all, among us directly involved with earth. activities and groups, ASTRAL LEGENDS https://youtu.be/sVHE0u3Es-A?si=o5KbXQOmGN_Jl7mO