"…Due to the structure of the galactic confederation, we have convinced a number of species to start working together productively with other species under the umbrella of the galactic confederation. After all, that is in their rational self-interest to do, because being a member of the galactic confederation is a really good deal. This has enriched everyone's lives and made everyone safer. To illustrate that: if you go to a galactic confederation restaurant, you would be shocked at just how many different types of food you can order.
You need to try the meal called "glaubla" at least once in your lifetime. It tastes better than it sounds, trust me. Tell them to make it in the Ranan style. Of all the foods you have on Earth, it looks more like pudding than anything else, but the taste is unlike anything you have on Earth. Plus it's very healthy.
Because being a member of the galactic confederation is such a good deal, the people of Ranan joined us. And that's why hundreds of billions of galactic confederation people can now enjoy glaubla in the Ranan style. And everyone's lives are richer for it -- including for the people of Ranan, who are enjoying plenty of benefits themselves.
We have so many species in the galactic confederation that sometimes we taste an amazing dish, and then we sort of forget about that dish because there are so many other delicious meals to try out. And then five years later we rediscover that dish, and we're like: "oh, right! I forgot about this amazing food. Let's eat!!" And then we're so excited that in the process we forget about two other great dishes.
We are hoping that you too will join us in the galactic confederation, that you will enjoy our glaubla, that we will be able to enrich each other's lives, and ideally that eventually we will be able to bring peace to the galaxy together. Earth humans really do have amazing psychic potential, hence you can be instrumental in bringing peace to the galaxy.
Ultimately though, it's up to you if you wish to join…."
—Hakann, "The Galactic Network"