Thank You Ismael for today's Biblical endgame News. To hear the word surrendered was wonderful!
I sent this info about the Kennedy (actually Kahlooni/Patton/Trump Royal Family on a Super chat but didn't get read (know they disappear -not Ismael's fault of course).
JFK is Yeshua - now calls Himself 'Lord John Yahweh' - He is Q of course.
Jackie Kennedy is Sophia - Mother Earth Herself.
Trump is played by both Trump and JFK! - Real Trump - Son of Gen. Patton is Nephew of Christ Lord John Yahweh. I have not confirmed yet if He is St. Germain
Queen Diana is alive - is Married to Trump and it the real Queen of England - replacing the fake Draco-Hybrid ones.
JFK Jr is St.Michael!! -He is the real VP - who has declared He is using His real surname 'Kahlooni' or 'Lincoln-Kahlooni' ( have not confirmed this difference) -As Ismael says - He created the 12 Creation We are still - just -currently in.
Patrick Lincoln-Kahlooni is St. Gabriel who created the coming. Yes He is St.Michael's and St. Faith's Son -but is St Michaels (JFK Jr's) Brother in this important Life.
There are many Children that have been hidden - and also hidden from Themselves. This information mainly comes from the Daughter of Christ Mary Magdelene - Christ Princess Sarah. ❤️
There are many of each of Them -especially Q, Q+ & R here, and I assume the time convergence will see People like Papi-Trump of the Temporal Wars, and other characters of especially J F Kahlooni Jr who is a trained actor -AND St. Michael(!!!)
From Your Brother Grant (David Essington) Wilson -Jedi.

I have done an update to this post! Here is the link : THE MARY-YESHUA STRAND: THE KAHLOONI(KENNEDY'S) / PATTON / TRUMP ROYAL FAMILY Q / Q+ & R.- Update 6/4/24 | Our Cosmic Origin
thanks David
ok sounds good
I have information on how the old matrix works as well as a piece of our history that should help to unlock the truth for humanity's liberation. I got your new book Ishmael!!!! You have great knowledge and wisdom and an grateful for all you have done in liberating mankind. I hope my contribution is helpful. I compiling all my information and will be releasing my truth here on my YouTube. The liberation of mankind is here and can simply be achieved through information of the truth.
Kennedy: "I am Back!"
Our world is getting brighter with every new bit of information that is revealed to us. What an exciting time to be alive. 🤗
One must be thankful and mindful every day 🙏
Beautiful! We are so blessed to live in these times and see the rise of our new world.
David , I have been saying that there is a Trumps, Kennedy’s, Queen Dianna were and are descendants of the holy blood. My upcoming book “The Secret Government “, tells the true history.
I have an update to the post. Can confirm Queen Diana is Christ Queen Mary Magdalene!!!
Have also confirmed JFK (Lord John Yahweh - aka Christ Yeshua) is St. Germaine!!!
It gets very confusing - even for their reincarnations here who are also afflicted with 3D😆 now- as they have many incarnations, their Angel identity they are also known by -as well as a current one!..
Thank you, David, for this eye opening information. Some I knew about, but this makes it all clear. I did hear, but can't confirm, that Trump was a fractal of Master St. Germain. No wonder I love him so! Thank you again, brother. ❣️
The times right now are difficult but they will get so much better, I know this in my heart! I am close to being ready but much clearing is needed. Interesting read too, I didn't quite understand all of it but some of it I can. Thank you.
WOW... Many aspects of the higher realm archetypes around...
Thanks and Stay for this Timeline God is Great ♥️💜Be Safe ♥️💜Digital SQldiers Awakening 🕰️🙏🩷Nice Day from Paris 🩷💜💜
I feel so blessed to be alive during these times.