Hi everyone!! I just wanted to come by and say Hi! I am MelissaByDesign on YouTube. I look forward to the interactions here. Thanks for being my Galactic family. I felt the love really heavily on the live tonight.
Hi Tino! How are you today? Yes, it is good to be here. Life is so good
I am grateful for everything. 🤗 Projects today? I am doing a massage and then, I think I may take a road trip. If you were near by, I would definitely invite you, to get acquainted and share starseed info. If you text me at this number 337.255.8923 I will respond faster
Yes, I do as well. I am in South Louisiana. I am sooooCajun, hence the name. I love Zydeco and the old cajun music too!! Our culture here is pretty amazing! O am happy to declare that I from this fabulous place.
Zydeco is my favorite of favorites !!! I Love dancing, so Love Zydeco such giod energy! Sorry l mispelled Louisianna🤭 been there a few times, New Orleans, baton rouge etc. Im living in Quebec , so l speak french fairly well. I remember enjoying to hear the style of french spoken there. Gotta go now, we have a Tornado watch for todat n tonite, so gotta batton down the hatches.!! Catch ya later👍🙌
Oh Wow so Cool. So you got the experience it here. Yes my ancestry is French. I have stories about all of that same Cabal stuff with all that. Yes I love Zydeco myself. I don't get out all that much for it though, at least not like I should or could, lol!! I will praying for your safety. Be Safe. Oh your name, is it Italian? Just curious. Pleasw send me a couple of photos of your art. I would love to see it.🙏👋☺️
hello melissabydesign feel welcom here at the jedi hangout place!
i honestly have not seen you on youtube before,however il check ya channel :)
Hi Truthseeker... I am happy to be here with you all.
Hey there Cajungrace, 👋🙌 nice to see you here!🤗
Yes thank you Finally lol.
Your handle is Cajun grace ?
Hello Melissa, so nice to see you here! I enjoy our chats. Its a little late right now to write much, but l look forward to touch base tomorrow. 🫶🙏
Hello Melissa glad you made it here